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G-Dub Steps

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Team fundraising goal: $1,000.00

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2024 Walk ALS Willamette Valley

Greg In His Happy Place Outdoors
Greg In His Happy Place Outdoors

G-Dub Steps

Team GDub will continue for this year’s ALS walk!  I wanted to continue to show my support to ALS Northwest and those still facing the incredibly tough battle that this disease brings. I also want to walk in Greg’s honor and the ALS Northwest organization extended me the invite to have Greg’s picture on the wall of recognition this year.  The ALS Northwest organization was incredibly helpful to Greg and I, continually giving us support both in the medical team and the resources we needed to help Greg.  This disease takes a village, and ALS Northwest was part of our village in the toughest of moments.

Greg bravely fought this disease for 2+ years with everything he had and he lived a life focused on helping others, so I will do my best to carry that generous, loving spirit forward to others. 

I welcome friends and family to join me for the walk.  I have chosen to participate in the Eugene event – details below.  I am also raising money for the organization, but there is no requirement to contribute money in order to come and show your support for Greg and the ALS community.

Like last year, I plan to have a casual breakfast in the park – so bring a chair, a breakfast treat and your coffee for a morning of fellowship time.

Still deciding if I will get Team tees or just use the ones from last year.  I did see a great one that said “Everyone Needs A Greg” I couldn’t agree more. 


Event Date:
 Sunday, May 5, 2024Event Location: Alton Baker Park, Alton Baker Park - 200 Day Island Rd, Eugene, OR, 97401
Schedule: Check-in: 11:00 AM | Walk Begins: 11:30 AM



There are other ALS Northwest walk locations if you still want to participate but don’t think this date or location works for you.  Details can be found here. 


 Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. 
That’s why we’re participating in the Walk ALS. To bring hope. To raise awareness. To provide resources and services to families free of charge. To help uncover the mystery of ALS and find treatments and cures to end ALS. Will you join us? 
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow, and breathe. The life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. 
ALS can strike anyone. Presently there is no known cause of the disease, yet it still costs loved ones an average of $250,000 a year to provide the care people living with ALS and their families need. Join the movement to provide help and hope today!
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Prefer to make a donation by mail? Click here for a printable donation form!

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Thank you to our ALS Northwest Sponsors

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