About ALS Northwest

ALS Northwest, formally known as The Oregon and SW Washington Chapter of The ALS Association, provides support and resources for people living with ALS, their families, and caregivers living in the State of Oregon and the six counties of Southwest Washington.

Our Mission

To discover treatments and a cure for ALS, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people affected by ALS to live their lives to the fullest.

About ALS

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that slowly robs a person of their ability to walk, speak, swallow and, eventually breathe. With no known cause or cure, a person can expect to live typically 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis.

ALS has no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic boundaries and in only 10% of cases there is a family history of ALS. Today, there are approximately 20,000 people in the US living with ALS and 5,600 people are diagnosed each and every year in the US. At any given time, there are an estimated 400-500 families living with ALS in Oregon and SW Washington.

To learn more, please visit our chapter website at alsoregon.org.

Our chapter receives no government or insurance funding.

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